In the meantime here are some fun facts about cats you might not know

5 Things You Probably Don't Know About Cats

Cats are fascinating creatures, and there's so much more to them than just their adorable faces and mysterious personalities. If you think you know everything there is to know about your feline friend, think again! Here are five fun and surprising facts about cats that might just blow your mind.

1. Cats can talk to You in Their Own Special Way We all know cats meow, but did you know they use this sound primarily to communicate with humans—not other cats? While a cat might meow a few times to other felines, they actually reserve most of their meows for their human companions. They've learned that we respond to these sounds, and they use them to get our attention, whether it’s to say hello, ask for food, or demand a little belly rub.

2. Cats Have "Toe Beans" for a Reason Those little squishy pads on a cat's paws are not just adorable—they also serve a special purpose! The soft pads, often referred to as "toe beans," help cats with stealthy movements. They cushion their steps as they walk, making them excellent hunters. The pads also help cats maintain balance and absorb shock when they leap or land from high places. So, those cute little beans are more than just for show—they're built for action!

3. Cats Can Dream, Just Like You Ever wondered what your cat might be dreaming about while they nap? Well, it turns out that cats experience REM (Rapid Eye Movement) sleep, just like humans, which means they can have dreams! While we can’t say for sure what they dream about, it's likely that they dream about chasing mice, playing with toys, or perhaps even getting into mischief. So, if you see your cat twitching in their sleep, they're probably off on an adventure in their dreams!

4. Cats Can "Knead" Their Way to Happiness You've probably seen your cat kneading soft surfaces, like your lap, blankets, or even your sweater. This behavior, which looks like a rhythmic “pushing” motion with their paws, is called “kneading” and it goes way back to kittenhood. When kittens nurse from their mothers, they knead their mother's belly to stimulate milk flow. Adult cats keep this behavior as a way to show comfort and affection. It's like a little cat massage to show you how much they love you!

5. Cats Are Excellent at Hiding Pain It might surprise you to know that cats are experts at hiding when they're not feeling well. In the wild, showing vulnerability can make them an easy target for predators, so domesticated cats have kept this instinct. This means that if your cat's acting a little off, you might need to look for subtle signs—like a change in appetite, behavior, or grooming habits. If in doubt, it's always a good idea to check with the vet!